We hadn't done the jungle walk on Compass Cay in many years, and the day we decided to do the walk, we tried to go across the 'underwater bridge', but the tide wasn't right, so we did other things on this hot day. Finally in fairly late afternoon on this warm day, we made it across and proceeded on the walk. Nobody must've done the walk in a while because there were several spider webs along the path. I made the mistake of leading the way with a stick to push aside the spider webs. A large spider, not the largest I've ever seen, but big enough to make this 'little girl' scream, landed on my shoulder. Poor thing disappeared pretty quickly and Stan led the way from that point. Though there are supposed to be large 'land crabs' and boas in the jungle, evidently they are only out at night. The only other wildlife we saw were the cute lizards everywhere and some happy birds.
On a following day, we took the kayaks over and had a much more enjoyable time in the jungle, exploring the ruins. Someone has done excellent home-made signage along the walk, such as "Trail to Creek", "Crabbie Flats", and my favorite, "The Snake that guards this Well is Our pet Willy the Water Boa".
Labels: Compass Cay, Jungle Walk
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